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The Power of Our Amazing Mind

The Power of Our Amazing Mind

Founder of Mes Thés

I just want to talk a little bit about our minds, and how our thoughts are so incredibly powerful.

I had put on a few pounds these past few months. After awhile though, I decided that it was time to get serious about getting the extra weight off and get back to a healthy me. So I started intermittent fasting. It didn’t take long for me to feel light and less sluggish. About a month in, I was able to fit into some of my clothes that I hadn’t worn in awhile. I was happy, excited and especially thrilled about the increased energy I now had.

Well, let me tell you, I went to the doctor wearing a pair of jeans that I hadn’t been able to pull up in at least 6 month. I knew I was looking good and feeling good. But my mood changed quickly, after I got on the scale at the doctors office. Of course the numbers weren’t what I thought they would be. After that visit I tried to convince myself that it didn’t matter. By the next day though I did realize it had effected my thinking.

I got up that morning and put on another pair of pants that I had worked my way back into. But I didn’t feel the joy I had felt over the last few weeks. I felt completely different. Heavier and disappointed. I wasn’t even able to intermittent fast like had been. And I had told myself “it didn’t really matter if I ate healthier, because it wasn’t doing any good anyway”.  I over ate that day and drank a few sugary drinks, something that I had not been craving! What was different?

What Changed

I remember reading an interesting article by Omar Itani, about the power of our thoughts. It brought out, “if you want to change the outside, you must first change the inside. You must change the attention of your thoughts because what you think directly influences how you feel, and how you feel directly influences how your body reacts, and how your body reactions directly influence how you behave, and how you behave comes to define who you are and what you experience in life”.

We all have heard that you are what you eat but this article really helped me to reflect on the link between our thoughts and actions. More importantly you are, what you think.

Acknowledging the Power

It all begins with your thoughts, our life experiences spring from the thoughts we actively engage in. Bear in mind, “thoughts, in and of themselves, have no power. It’s only when we actively invest our attention into them that they begin to seem real. And when we engage with specific thoughts, we begin to feel the emotions that were triggered by these thoughts. We then enter a new emotional state, which then influences how we act.”- Omar Itani

So engage with more empowering thoughts. These thoughts will boost your confidence and thus trigger a more positive emotional state. This then will be reflected in how your body reacts. Standing up straight, upbeat and energized. No matter what the scale says.